© DPG / Lösel

Information for poster presenters

All poster sessions will take place in the tent in front of the Hörsaalzentrum.

Presenters are asked to mount their poster before their session according to the number in the scientific programme.

Each poster should display the number according to the scientific programme. Each poster should not be larger than 85 cm x 120 cm (DIN A0 portrait format).

For the mounting of the poster please use the prepared Velcro strips at the poster frame or contact the available student staff. Please make sure to use only Velcro strips for mounting the poster (residue-free removing). The presenting authors should be at hand for discussion at their poster during at least half of the poster session and should note this time at the poster.

The postershave to be removed after the session. Any poster remaining on display walls after the end of the session will be removed and disposed of without further notice.

The conference management accepts no liability for the posters.